
Volume scroll wheel not working
Volume scroll wheel not working

volume scroll wheel not working volume scroll wheel not working

Or you can disable autoplay in the active tab: they will remain all paused. If you want, you can switch from a video to another one without pausing and automatically the new active video will start playing, or you can switch froma a video tab to a textual one without pausing the video and when returning to the video it will autoplay from the last position. ****** In flash mode, DON'T press the mouse buttons in fullscreen, otherwise it will exit fullscreen mode ****** With this addon you can finally open background tabs without hearing the audio of each video: the playing video will be only the one in the active tab. The only drawback is in FULLSCREEN mode: ****** you MUST NOT use the normal button (on the bottomright of flash player) ****** to set fullscreen, BUT the specific button you find under the video's title: "FULL WHEEL" To exit fullscreen you must scroll the wheel over the fullscreen's icon on the bottom-right. It's also displayed the actual quality of the loaded video. You can change the default values in the 4 input boxes near the "Full Wheel" button. So, you have these steps to combine: 3s, 15s, 60s, 1/4video, 1/3video. 5) SHIFT+wheel: move video at steps of 1/4 of its duration OR 2x change audio (in the audio area) CTRL+wheel: move video at steps of 1/3 of its duration /4x change audio (SHIFT+CTRL+wheel: 8x audio). Infact if you position your mouse over the video you can: 1) PAUSE/PLAY: put the mouse near the CENTRAL TOP or in the very BOTTOM of the screen and move the wheel up or down: if it's playing it will PAUSE or the opposite 2) VOLUME: put the mouse near the extreme TOP RIGHT of the screen and move the wheel up to raise the volume level or the wheel down to lower the volume 3) QUALITY: put the mouse near the extreme TOP LEFT of the screen and move the wheel up to raise the quality of the video or the wheel down to lower the quality 4) MOVE FF/REW: there are 3 areas to FF/REW video: a) put the mouse in the CENTRAL area, the video fastforwards or backwards of 3 seconds b) FASTER MOVE put the mouse in the LEFT area, the video fastforwards or backwards of 15 seconds c) FASTEST MOVE put the mouse in the RIGHT area, the video fastforwards or backwards of 60 seconds d) more, in YouTube and HTML5 videos, you can use the wheel over the timeline to seek at the desired position.

volume scroll wheel not working

(-IMPORTANT-: Ads at the start of YouTube videos block the creation of the menu and also the autopause feature doesn't work, so it's better to use also addons to block ads, like AdBlockPlus) The player video was subdivided into 7 (invisible) zones: each one has a different behaviour. In all mouse positions but video, you scroll the page as usual, even with ctrl key pressed to zoom. Use wheel mouse on videos to control video/audio/quality. Have you ever used the mouse wheel to fast forward a video on your browser as a standalone player? Have you ever wanted to pause videos in background tabs? Or not having to autoplay a YouTube video in the current tab? Now you can! This addon works with videos of YouTube/Vimeo/pages with HTML5 videos/Embedded Video of YouTube-Vimeo-HTML5 also mixed together.

Volume scroll wheel not working